Christ Is Salvation Church exists as a local congregation to witness to the world about God’s love as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted and soon-returning King; we live to serve our community in His same love and power, knowing He is “the same yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). We teach the Word of God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, shaping and equipping our church family so that believers will be nourished and empowered to fulfill their God-ordained, created purpose and ministry. We prepare and equip people who care for one another, and reach out to our Community, City and our World that all may be saved, and brought to a living faith in Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
Our Vision is to see everybody saved and brought to fruition by receiving abundantly everything that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has for them. At Christ Is Salvation Church we strive to empower people, not to limit God's mighty power to restore and grant blessings based on our faulty human nature. For we know that God is so much greater than anything and everything that we are, that we have, or that we have done. We envision that Christ Is Salvation Church will continue to prosper and persevere throughout the years equipping, blessing, and bringing to salvation an uncountable amount of people. We believe that our small Church in Thermal will see many souls come to recognize the Holy Bible as the Holy Spirit -inspired and infallible Word of God. Through the Word many will come to salvation, restoration, repentance, and will choose to abide in faith trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord.